I am Running into a New Year (by me, not Lucille Clifton)

The KC Wheel is not to be missed!
  1. In 2023, I conquered 7 classes (21 credits) in my master’s program at Pitt State. I was deathly afraid of returning to school after a hiatus of (ahem, cough, throat clearing) 23 years. As it turns out, a virtual program kicks your ass because you have to essentially teach yourself. It’s all about focus, self discipline, and persistence.
  2. I’m grateful to my professors for showing me grace so I could cobble together a trip to Atlanta in February 2023 to donate a kidney. Donating my kidney was something I felt compelled to do for several reasons. There’s nothing better than giving the gift of life.
  3. This sign from my run today:
Seen on my run today. Might be my new mantra.

There are hills everywhere. I climb them. Sometimes I get stuck. Quite a few hills are looming in the distance, and several prevent me from seeing all that lies ahead. I just know I need to keep climbing.

4. The next hill for me is student teaching. I’m lucky to be matched with a fabulous fourth grade teacher. Lots of my in-person learning begins tomorrow, and I’m equal parts excited and nervous.

5. Moving my body calms my anxious brain. Today I left the house with some trash bags and picked up litter along Lackman Road. Keeping busy in lots of little ways also quiets the voices in my head.

6. Meet Flounder, our newest family member:

Flounder prefers our humble abode to the Petsmart he was residing in.

7. Saturday Scrabble. I lost, but whatever. I don’t do resolutions, but I will do more Scrabble.

8. Sometimes you need ice cream for dinner. Trust me on this one. It’s best when it involves both peanut butter and chocolate.

9. Everything in my feed right now revolves around (a) various ways to remove excess facial hair, (b) whole-body deodorant (see also: is it just me, or is this mainly marketed to women and WHY?!), and (c) pelvic floor issues. Isn’t it fun being a woman?

10. Roller skating is life.

11. Writing 11 things is a little idea I love via Jena Schwartz.

Author: Erin Best

She/her. Mom, wife, sister. Writer. Virgo. Dog lover. Bookworm. Kidney Donor. MAT student at Pitt State. Exceptional needs advocate.